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Feature: Hynds Landspan Tee Bridge

By November 26, 2019January 12th, 2024Projects

Our versatile Landspan Bridge System is available in lengths from 10m to 16m and capable of handling loads up to .9HN, and therefore capable of handling milk tankers.

Our versatile Tee system means lower individual beam weights allowing the bridges to be installed with smaller lifting gear than equivalent double tee systems. The Tee bridges are suitable for a variety of projects that fit within the NZTA bridge manual under the low volume rural roads appendix B criteria. The Landspan Tee has recently gone through a re-design and has had enhancements to allow for the rapid installation of a very robust and future-proofed design, giving our customers the ability to rely on their investment. For more information, click here.

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Hynds Landspan Bridge System
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